Saturday, November 27, 2010

I now have the complete list of 15 charts for the Crazy Sal: 1:Glendon Place"A Life Lived For Others" 2:Bent Creek"Flag On The Hill" 3:Designs by Lisa "Cats are like Potato Chips" 4-9:Brittercup Designs "Britty Kitties II" &Britty Kitties III"(6 charts totaled) 10:Sheperd's Bush "Spooky Halloween" 11:CrossStitcher "Tutankhamun" 12: GiGi "Two Peacocks & Two Trees" 13:Carinne "Pch007 cerfs Oval" 14:Carole "Sampler de Paques" 15:Bent Creek "All in a Row" . The material list is huge! The people at the x-stitch stores are going to love me;there will be 0ver 70 different colors of Dmc floss alone;at least 2 boxes of colors #815 and #844;13 colors of perle #5,2 colors of light effects,2 colors of color variations ,mill hill beads,kreinik #8 braid,caron waterlilies in cherry cordial;various charms for the "spooky Halloween". Then there is all the fabric that is needed, from 32 -count linen ,28 -count , 18-count,16-count,and finally 14-count aida. I will definitely need a supply of tapestry needles,looking for the John James shorts.There is a plastic storage box that i'm putting everything in;this SAL starts the first of January 2011. ...:)

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